I've experienced from time to time a problem with webmail functioning after cPanel updates, particularly on larger servers. You can reinstall all three webmail applications, while not disrupting user content, with the following commands: Roundcube: /usr/local/cp The WordPress Classroom anel/bin/update-roundcube –force Horde: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-horde –force or /scripts/fullhordereset Squirrelmail /usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-squirrelmail –force zp8497586rq…
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Cpanel confirmed via email and on their site that SpamAssassin has a bug: “The Quality Assurance team discovered a bug within the SpamAssassin ruleset that will mark messages sent in the year 2010 (that's today) and beyond with a higher spam score than expected. This bug can result in legitimate Girlfriend In A Week mail…
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Note: It is preferred to use mod_wsgi instead of mod_python. If you want to use mod_python in Apache on a cPanel server, you’ll basically need to compile the module manually and load it into the Apache configuration: yum -y install subversion (IF it’s not already installed) svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/quetzalcoatl/mod_python/trunk mod_python cd mod_python ./configure –with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs make…
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DomainKeys (DKIM) and SPF records are becoming a common, and annoying, demand among email providers, mainly Yahoo and Hotmail. In short, both are methods of email authentication designed to verify email integrity, by linking a sender to a specific server or hostname. In other words, DomainKeys and SPF records specify what servers can send email…
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CPanel has a internal script for using CPAN to install Perl modules. Learn it and love it: /scripts/perlinstaller Most common Perl modules can be installed from WHM ~> Install a Perl Module, or from command line. If you don't know the name of the Perl module you're installing, you may want to use the WHM…
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Update: As of cPanel 11.40, you can install shared SSLs on the main/shared IP just as you do any other certificate. It was kind of annoying in the midst of cPanel 11’s release when cPanel discontinued the ability to install an SSL certificate on a shared IP. Sure, you can do it as ‘nobody’, but…
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Us cPanel system admins pity those who neglect to back up their sites and then blame their hosts when something goes awry…especially when cPanel makes it so damn easy to back up your entire account in just a few clicks — And we’re going to tell you how to do it. Of course, we’re not…
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In a hosted multi-site environment you may find yourself needing to add multiple IP addresses to a server. Luckily, cPanel makes it very easy to add IP addresses. This article will go over adding IP addresses to standalone servers, both through WHM and from command line on a cPanel server. You probably already know…
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Update 2/15/14: These instructions have been updated for cPanel 11.36+. You can easily change the major version of MySQL running on your server, keeping in mind that the actual version will be dependent on what cPanel has released in their repository and what cPanel version you’re running. For example, if you’re running cPanel 11.40, you…
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Sometimes out of nowhere cPanel will just break. You don’t know why, you don’t know when, and you don’t know how…it just happens. In my experience it’s usually when a cPanel update fails for some reason or perl is borked, but either way – it just sucks. This article will go over how to fix…
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