Installing LetsEncrypt SSL Certificates on CentOS + cPanel Servers

Update! cPanel supports LetsEncrypt, but you just need to install the plugin for it to work. To do this, run: /scripts/install_lets_encrypt_autossl_provider Once installed, Let’s Encrypt will appear in WHM’s Manage AutoSSL interface (Home >> SSL/TLS >> Manage AutoSSL) where you can enable the provider. At the time of this writing, LetsEncrypt is in public beta…

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cPanel Update Fails Due to RPM Conflict

The cPanel update fails due to a problem installing RPMs, but is not specific about what the problem is: [20160203.180007] Testing if the newly downloaded RPMS can be installed without conflict [20160203.180007] Testing RPM transaction [20160203.180012] [20160203.180012] ***** FATAL: Test install failed: [20160203.180012] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script…

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